Thursday, March 24, 2011

We package ourselves in plastic

It's amazing what you can learn from strangers you haven't met. Had a quick chat on fb with one of my youtube listeners and he told me that I struck him as someone who's really cool and popular.

Am I really? I read somewhere that your facebook profile is a reflection of what you want people to perceive you as. I find it really believable because it is indeed something you can easily "engineer". Some interesting pictures and wallposts later, you become somewhat of a mini internet "celebrity", at least within your online social network. I might have 820 friends on facebook (and I am already somewhat selective) but can I even claim to know all of them personally?

It's time to live a little, people. I need to go out there and meet new people in reality and not allow my online "presence" to unnecesarily confine me. You should too. As a classmate succinctly put forth yesterday, "What's the point of video-chatting with someone when you could always go out and have a nice (real) cuppa coffee with them? "

And so, last saturday, I lived

Last Sat at Hard Rock Cafe for corne's 21st :) 

Can't wait to see you again and hangout like old times :)

P.s. I know I owe you a lot of posts, Brooks brothers, corne's 21st etc. I will actually edit this particular post a little when I have the time to include more pics/details of his birthday at Hard Rock Cafe! And to the person who asked me on my formspring about the vintage rings I will update about that soon as well! maybe after the exams :)

On a somewhat related note, I need a study buddy/gang in school. Exams are coming up in 2 weeks and whenever I'm in the library i'm mostly alone. :( I keep such a low profile in school you have no idea!

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