Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life of an undergraduate

It is 3:50 A.M.
I am sorry for owing you guys posts but I got sick midweek plus there are piles of readings and work for me to do.

I promise I will come up with at least one massive entry within the next week to make it all up.

Recess week came and went and Im disappointed at not accomplishing even half of what I set out to do with respect to work and blogging.

Because I feel horrid for allowing my daily readership to dwindle from 1XX viewers/day to a two digit sum, I will win you guys back by telling you where you can find authentic vintage rings for cheap in my next entry!

Monday, February 21, 2011

je ne sais quoi

 How to wear a red lip
Start off, barefaced in the morning. Brush your teeth (this is essential. Yellow teeth wouldn't go with a strong red lip)
Apply concealer and blush. (Please dont overdo it. Your lips will be making the statement for you this time) Apply foundation/powder if you have to. I personally prefer a minimalist approach to make up so I dont own foundation.

 This is the most essential step. Pluck up the courage to apply it over your lips! :) Do it very carefully as any smudges will uglify (is there such a word?) even the most beautiful lips. Tip: If you want the scarlet on your lips to last throughout the day, apply concealer on your lips before putting on the lipstick. This allows your lips to "pop" and more importantly prevents your lips from discolouring after prolonged lipstick wear (I didn't do it this time as I was feeling a little lazy :p)

There you have it!

P.S. All the make up Im using in this post is from Topshop. My lippie shade is called "Rio Rio". It's the perfect shade for S/S 2011, I was told! On a side note, the cream blush works like a dream. I love it!

P.P.s Im wearing the miss selfridge top that I blogged about in my previous entry. Love the shoulder cutouts!

Now on to something more personal. Just the other day, I was having a bowl of yong tau foo at the marine parade food court. The usual auntie was selling 4 packets of tissue paper for a dollar. She looked  jaded, and so pitiful. There were worry lines etched all over her weathered face. I teared slightly at the sight. This woman should be enjoying her twilight years. Why was she still doing something like this? Shouldn't her kids be supporting her now?

I would really love to busk on the streets, if only for a day. Knowing the crowd in Singapore, people would probably just walk away, but I'd be glad to be able to even get two seconds of their attention and capture the collective subconsciousness of a subway or a bustling street. It would be such a raw experience and Im sure it'll help me grow as a musician. I would then find the old lady and donate the proceeds of my busking to her.

To anyone reading this, never forget the people and life experiences that have culminated to bring you to where you are today. Always remain grateful. This is something I must constantly remind myself as well.
Material things are transient. I mustn't let this sudden surge of attention get to me.

Will be blogging again tomorrow about my Chinatown adventure with bel and giving you a behind the scenes look at tracyeinny's fashion shoot! (The bosses were really nice and friendly :) )Exciting stuff. Till then, keep safe and goodnight.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Went to knightsbridge and paragon to shop yesterday. Miss Selfridge is so underrated. They carry really pretty clothes and my photos don't do them justice.

1. my little collection of rings
2. Topshop makeup I bought yesterday
3,4,5. Miss selfridge shoulder cutout tunic and draped animal print blazer
6. Topshop Ballet flats

I have an assignment to do that's due tomorrow and I still feel uncharacteristically calm. This is unbecoming of me.

103 unique views on my blog yesterday and I feel almost guilty for not posting anything! (Sorry readers). I spent a good part of yesterday in the recording studio (No, actually it's in my room). Its a pretty tedious process because I dont use any voice enhancing software/autotune and I dont know how to edit and stitch parts of the song together to make the perfect song so the version I post up has to be a perfect take of the entire song. I guess I wouldn't want to know how to do it either. Integrity in my craft is very fundamental to me. 

Good morning everyone. Have a great sunday ahead! Im gonna spend mine doing my assignment by the pool.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Woke up today and read the papers,
felt a little bit flirtatious...

The following pictures are inspired after the ST Urban Ballerina Spread

I will be the first to admit that these pictures are far from professional,
 But these rookie pictures have their own charm as well!

            I was trying to give some imagery to the endless struggle of bodily perfection by superimposing my head on the mannequin. This theme of perfection has been used over and over again in the black swan, and I thought I would pay homage to it, in my own little amateurish way

                             Basic Top, Dorothy Perkins. Tutu skirt, Korea. Necklace and Accesories, Unknown

This is yet another facet of me. I love dressing up and I believe that fashion should be practical. In fact, I feel the word"fashion" comes across as a little pretentious. Nobody really has a body made for couture, you just gotta work with what you got. Fashion to me is nothing more than waking up dreary eyed, going through my closet, and putting together an outfit. Very layman, but there's a lot of fun in that too!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Today I recorded my first ever cover and uploaded it onto youtube. 
It's been a long time coming. I've contemplated uploading a cover on my own on youtube but never really got down to doing it because I was afraid nobody would like my music, and that the "what ifs" and "could have beens" should remain as such in my mind because everything is better left unchallenged and my thoughts and aspirations should just remain in my head because no one is going to sit up and listen to me anyway.
I am not the most popular, nor am I the most attractive girl in the world and I know some people out there have it so damn easy. Not me. I've had so many struggles, the most painful one being the struggle with my weight ( Was 70kg at my heaviest, am now 48kg) 

But today was a little different, I abandoned the cynic within, threw caution to the wind and let the little voice that told me to upload my music.. win. 

I want to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you who liked my song, or even bothered to pay a listen to it. 107 views in a couple of hours is nothing to shout about but hey, it's a good start, for me

All i have now, is my music. And the recording equipment I scrimped and saved for so long to buy. I've learnt enough to know that Fame is immaterial. I just hope my passion will be enough to see me through this journey.

Once again, Thank you friends for supporting me. I may not be the best friend you could ever have and I am certainly not deserving of your kind comments but I guess I must have done something right.
Anyone who is possibly going through the same thing I went through, take it from me, there are people out there who love you and want to see you succeed in life. Don't ever doubt yourself. Dogged persistence will take you places.

P.s. You are probably not reading this but thank you hirzi of munahhirziofficial fame for your kind words!( We may not have met before and you are quite an unlikely source of inspiration (he does really funny videos check out his impersonation of leticia bongbino) but, an inspiration nonetheless.. Hope a collaboration is in the cards someday and yes i'll definitely upload more vids in the near future! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hi all,

         I was previously on livejournal (lovefearhate) but I am moving onto here, just because.
To the uninitiated, my name is Melissa. I sing, I dream, and I lapse into occasional bouts of craziness sometimes. This blog will chronicle my experiences with Music, fashion, and everything in between.

To you, the reader, I may be a complete stranger, or the girl sitting opposite you during Monday Seminars. This could be your first time here, or it could be your last. Whatever it is, I hope you stay a little longer, and I hope this blog can one day become a lasting legacy involving myself, my thoughts, and you my readers, a menage a trois of sorts. This is only my first entry, so be kind. You can expect a lot more exciting stuff to come out of this space though! ;)

I leave you with a picture of my naked face(just threaded my brows @ the 7 dollar place!!), with a cherry in my mouth.

恭喜发财! (my new blog didnt make it in time for the new year, but at least it does for chinese new year! :) )